John Schuchman, of Little River, SC, with a big red drum he hooked on a live finger mullet at the Little River jetties.
Mark, of Shallow Minded Inshore Fishing, reports that anglers are finding some fast action with smaller red drum in the backwaters of Dunn Sound and Bonaparte Creek, which has been producing the hottest fishing lately. Live shrimp on split-shot rigs or light Mission Fishin’ jigheads will fool the fish in the backwaters.
Some larger reds ( from 23” to 15 lbs.) are feeding at the Little River jetties and taking an interest in live finger mullet, though anglers may have to move around to locate the bite.
Flounder fishing has been solid in the inlet, and drifting through the inlet with live finger mullet has been putting good numbers of keepers in the boat.
Some speckled trout are beginning to join the action at the jetties (with fish to 4 lbs. last week), and they’re also taking an interest in finger mullet, though live shrimp will get their attention, too.
Patrick, of Capt. Smiley’s Fishing Charters, reports that fishing was a little better before last week’s full moon, but it should be coming around again briefly.
Anglers are still catching decent numbers of flounder while drifting the sandbars inside the inlet, most on smaller finger mullet.
Red drum are feeding along the jetties (both inside and over the slot limit). Anglers can hook them on finger and larger mullet.
Spanish mackerel are also feeding in the inlet, and they will take an interest in live finger mullet free-lined on the surface.
Inshore, a few speckled trout are beginning to show up in the ICW around structure and creek mouths. Live shrimp are the ticket to success with the trout, and anglers can drift them along with the current beneath float rigs.
The red drum bite has been solid inshore, too (with most of the fish 15-20”). Gulp and live shrimp fished on jigheads and split-shot rigs will fool the reds.
Nancy, of Cherry Grove Pier, reports that anglers are still catching good numbers of spanish mackerel on Gotcha plugs and free-lined live baits.
Bottom fishermen have found a decent spot bite lately, along with some whiting and bluefish, while baiting up with shrimp and bloodworms.
Some flounder are falling for live baits on the bottom.