Sam Lloyd, of Frisco, NC, with a 5 lb. 5 oz. flounder he hooked in the Pamlico Sound. Weighed in at Teach’s Lair Marina.
Ryan, of Hatteras Jack, reports that anglers are hooking spanish mackerel and bluefish while working metal casting lures from the beach and while wading around Oregon Inlet.
Panfish like sea mullet, spot, and croaker are making up the majority of the surf catch, and they’re biting shrimp and bloodworms.
Anglers are still hooking some slot and over-slot red drum in the sound at night on cut baits and finger mullet.
There’s also been a good soundside speckled trout bite between mile markers 46 and 48. Live baits or soft plastics will fool the flatfish.
Irvin, of The Fishin’ Hole, reports that spot, croaker, sea mullet, and pompano are biting bottom rigs baited with shrimp and bloodworms along the beachfront. A few bluefish are mixed in.
Anglers fishing the sound are connecting with some speckled trout in the daytime while working soft plastics and other artificials.
Puppy drum are feeding along the soundside at night and biting cut mullet.
Michael, of Rodanthe Pier, reports that anglers have been catching good numbers of sheepshead while fishing sand fleas and other crustacean baits close to the pilings.
Bottom fishermen are hooking spot, sea mullet, and a few puppy drum on shrimp, bloodworms, and cut baits.
Live-baiters fishing the end of the pier caught several king mackerel last week.
Frank, of Frank and Fran’s, reports that surf casters are finding a typical summer mixed bag of sea mullet, spot, croaker, and other panfish, with shrimp and bloodworms producing most of the action.
Anglers fishing the soundside are reporting some speckled trout and puppy drum action, but it hasn’t been red hot.
Bev, of Frisco Tackle, reports that anglers are connecting with some sea mullet, pompano, bluefish, and a few puppy drum in the local surf. Shrimp, bloodworms, and cut baits are producing most of the action.
Bill Talbott, of Roanoke, VA, with a citation 8 lb., 11 oz. sheepshead that bit a Gulp swimming mullet beneath a popping cork while he was fishing the Pamlico Sound with Rob Alderman of Outer Banks Kayak Fishing.
Speckled trout, puppy drum, bluefish, and good numbers of flounder are feeding on the soundside and biting live and cut baits along with artificial lures like soft plastics and gold spoons.
Kyle, of Frisco Rod and Gun, reports that anglers are connecting with some sea mullet, pompano, spot, croaker, and puppy drum from the surf along Hatteras Island’s southern beaches. Shrimp, sand fleas, and bloodworms are producing most of the action.
Inshore boaters are hooking some citation-class red drum in the sound.
The puppy drum bite remains excellent in the sound, and some flounder and speckled and gray trout are in the mix as well.
Nearshore trollers are finding plenty of action with spanish mackerel and bluefish while pulling Clarkspoons around Hatteras Inlet and along the beachfront.
The offshore fleet is still catching decent numbers of dolphin and wahoo on most days. A few blackfin and yellowfin tuna have been in the mix as well. There are still some billfish around, too, and they’re falling for the same naked and skirted ballyhoo that boats are trolling for the meatfish.
Offshore bottom fishing is producing action with black sea bass, triggerfish, grouper, tilefish, amberjacks, and more.
JAM, of Teach’s Lair, reports that the offshore fleet is finding plenty of action with wahoo in the blue water off Hatteras Inlet. Some dolphin and billfish have been mixed in.
Speckled and gray trout, puppy drum, and bluefish are falling for baits and lures in the sound.
Surf casters are connecting with sea mullet and pompano along with some smaller flounder and bluefish.
Jay, of Bite Me Sportfishing, reports that anglers are seeing some good wahoo action offshore of Hatteras Inlet. The ‘hoos are falling for naked and skirted ballyhoo along with baitless high-speed lures. Some blackfin tuna have been mixed in, and boats finding floating objects offshore are also bringing home some bailer dolphin.
Melinda, of Tradewinds Tackle, reports that anglers are connecting with some puppy drum, gray trout, bluefish, and flounder from the beachfront and soundside along Ocracoke Island. Shrimp, cut baits, and finger mullet on bottom rigs are producing most of the action.
The offshore boats are still reporting some solid dolphin and wahoo action while trolling ballyhoo in the blue water off Ocracoke Inlet.