Jeff, of Ocean Isle Fishing Center, reports that some nice speckled trout have finally moved into the area. While 10-12” fish had been the norm so far this season, you can now find 18-22” fish in the backwaters. Fishing live shrimp under a cork during a rising tide should get in on the action.
Flounder have been showing up in great numbers, with fish as big as 4.4 lbs. being caught. Area finger mullet are finally getting some size to them, which is helping hold the pinfish off a little longer until the flatties can get a bite.
Red drum fishing has slowed down, but you can still find some nice fish around docks near the inlet.
Black drum and sheepshead are around and are taking shrimp and fiddler crabs, respectively. If you’re starting to get frustrated with the amount of pinfish nibbling bait in the area, fishing for the sheepshead with crabs can give you a nice reprieve.
Overall, though, good-sized live bait has been plentiful and highly effective at getting bites, making it worth wading through the pinners.
Brant, of Ocean Isle Fishing Center, reports that nearshore and offshore fishing has remained steady, with fish sticking to their typical summer patterns. Spanish mackerel can be found in depths of 20-30’, while kings are holding a little lower in depths of 50-80’. The kings are getting bigger, with the average fish being somewhere between 10-15 lbs.
The first mahi in a few weeks has also come from 80’ of water.
Cobia are making another push and can be found between 50-100’, while the best bottom fishing has been between 100-150’.
The Stream is still really hard to find fish in unless you can find weed lines, in which case you may be able to get a few strikes.
Meghan, Liam, and Declan McCann, of Chapel Hill, beaming with their first keeper flounders (18″, 22″, and 18″). The flatties were caught on live finger mullet at Yaupon Reef while fishing with husband/dad Devin.
Kevin, of Rigged and Ready Charters, reports that nearshore fishing has been slow if targeting anything other than spanish or king mackerel. The spanish are just off the beach, while the kings are a little further off, zoning in on both live and dead bait.
Tripp, of Capt’n Hook Outdoors, reports that the water temperature inshore has increased to 85-90 degrees, though that hasn’t made a huge impact on fishing. There have been good numbers of red drum (mostly in the 22-25” range) feeding on live pogies or mullet in the shallow creeks.
The flounder bite has slowed down due to the hotter water, though a few fish are still being caught on peanut pogies and finger mullets.
Trout are chewing shrimp steadily around oyster rocks, especially during higher tide stages. Most of them have been around 17”, with some bigger fish mixed in.
The spanish bite, while remaining steady for a while, has slowed down in the past few days. When they are biting, they’ve been hitting Clarkspoons on planers.
The king mackerel action has been steady in 65’ of water, with most fish weighing between 10-15 lbs., though some have been larger. Trolling dead cigar minnows has been producing the most bites, but live pogies are getting the biggest fish.
A few grouper have come in from the 120-180’ range on live pinfish.
Tim, of Tideline Charters, reports that fishing has stayed productive lately thanks to a ton of bait spread throughout inshore waters. Redfish and flounder have been the primary targets.
When available, live shrimp has been the best bait for the reds, though small pogies and finger mullet have also been productive. Shallow oyster bars and feeder creeks on the falling tide have been giving up the most bites. Floating cork rigs with suspended shrimp has proven to be the most effective method of catching reds, though bottom fishing has also produced a lot of bites.
Flounder fishing has been best tight to the grass in deeper sections of the creeks. Tossing Carolina-rigged finger mullet or Gulp-tipped jigs right along the banks and letting them drift a little with the current has been the ticket for connecting with the flatties. While white had been an effective color for the soft plastics, it seems that chartreuse has become the most attractive color.
Throwing 1/8 oz. jigs with Z-Man PaddletailZ have put a few small trout in the boat, but only in the early mornings.
Marshall Finch, of Mebane, holds up a 6 lb. 5 oz. spanish that he caught off Ocean Crest Pier on a live pogie.
Stewart, of Rod and Reel Shop, reports that fishing continues to go strong in comparison to this time last year, though high water temperatures have become commonplace this summer.
Inshore fishing is all about trout, flounder, and drum, while spots are biting in the surf.
Kings are still holding in the 2-3 mile range, and to narrow things down you should be looking for clear water with visible signs of bait in the area. Don’t be surprised to find a spanish mixed in, though if you’re looking to target spanish specifically, search the waters around Lighthouse Rock.
In deeper waters, it’s been hard to find a good, consistent bite in any one specific area.
Donnie, of Ocean Isle Beach Fishing Pier, reports catches of 3-4 lb. pompano, keeper flounder, 20-24” red drum, and spots. The flounder are hitting live minnows, while everything else has been taking bait shrimp. The best time to fish has been between 6:00 am-12:00 noon, with high tide producing the best results.